24 10, 2014

Online Content: Finding the Right Length

October 24th, 2014|MOMENTUM MARKETING|

As we write content to be published online, the question of “how much is too much?” comes up again and again.

There’s no right answer for any one channel, but thanks to some in-depth research and comparisons from BufferSocial, we have a better idea for what seems to work best.

Here are some of the findings for [...]

2 10, 2014

Case Study: BloomReach & the Red Dress

October 2nd, 2014|MOMENTUM MARKETING|

Have you heard the story about a little quiz on a red dress that’s making its way across the web?

It all began with the BloomReach Personalized Discovery Platform, a product that combines different applications to understand what people are searching for online across various channels and devices, and then match them with the [...]

18 08, 2014

From a Pint-Sized Perspective

August 18th, 2014|MOMENTUM MARKETING|

Every time I scan my mounting batch of to-read e-newsletters. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed interdum bibendum rhoncus. Ut lobortis velit quis lorem iaculis non sodales augue tempus. Phasellus euismod neque at nisl porttitor ullamcorper. Donec vel ipsum libero, ac iaculis neque.