When people land on our websites for the very first time, we want them to stay and explore. But that won’t happen if they encounter some frustrating roadblocks. Here are 5 common examples. 1) Pop-up windows and splash pages. These can be a big turn-off as they often require added steps just to reach the home page. 2) Clunky navigation. People don’t have the patience to make their way through a complicated, unorganized menu or series of menus. 3) Excess clicking. This one is simple: it’s a bad sign if visitors must click several pages deep to find the one item they’re looking for. 4) Cluttered pages. Content shouldn’t compete for a user’s attention and main messages should be easy to identify. 5) Hard-to-find contact info. Perhaps the worst roadblock of all, a lack of easily accessible contact info can minimize your chances of hearing from potential customers. Are any of these roadblocks present on your website? If so, addressing them could mean a much better experience for everyone who visits!