It's been just over a week since Google rolled out its much-anticipated algorithm update dubbed "Mobilegeddon." Was it as significant as so many expected? If you're not familiar, Google updated its algorithm -- or "secret formula" for how websites are ranked -- and now includes whether or not a site is mobile-friendly as a factor. As many pros in the SEO industry are reporting, some ranks have shifted slightly as a result, but this change hasn't yet had the impact originally expected. We went straight to the source for a better understanding. While we do know that having a mobile-friendly site is becoming best practice, the fact that you may need some time to convert isn't a deal-breaker. Google confirms that its algorithm update only affects searches on mobile devices (vs. desktops) and individual pages (vs. full sites). It also acknowledges that being mobile-friendly is just one of several signals it considers for rankings and notes that things like quality and relevant content still matter. Plus, once a site becomes mobile-friendly, its pages will be re-indexed and categorized accordingly. For more scoop on how it all works, read the full post from Google.