• Page load speed on the web

Fixing Those Slow-Loading Pages

By |May 19th, 2016|Categories: THURSDAY THOUGHT|

Of all the things that frustrate web users, slow-loading pages continue to land near the top of the list. In fact, Kissmetrics shares an infographic with this stat: 47% of consumers expect a page to [...]

  • Location searches & SEO

SEO: The Location Factor

By |May 12th, 2016|Categories: THURSDAY THOUGHT|

When we think of the fundamentals of SEO, keyword strategy comes to mind. Are we identifying the right phrases and placing them in the right spots? Keywords are definitely a big deal in terms of [...]

Lessons Learned in Rebranding

By |May 10th, 2016|Categories: MOMENTUM MARKETING|

Posted by Brenda Timm, VP – Strategic Communication & Online Services We see companies rebrand all the time. Sometimes their efforts are celebrated with enthusiastic approval, while other instances are met with more of a [...]

  • Unique brand personality

Your Brand’s Unique Personality

By |May 5th, 2016|Categories: THURSDAY THOUGHT|

As consumers, we tend to humanize brands. Our experiences and interactions with them help us identify the characteristics they embody. These can be everything from trendy, down-to-earth or sophisticated to funny, reliable or adventurous. Through [...]

  • PR & news releases

PR: Thinking Like A Reporter

By |April 28th, 2016|Categories: THURSDAY THOUGHT|

Consider how many story ideas must cross the desks of media professionals in a given week or the sheer volume of news releases that land in their Inboxes. They have the job of deciding what [...]

  • Online/mobile shopping trends

The Online/Mobile Shopper

By |April 21st, 2016|Categories: THURSDAY THOUGHT|

"The customer is in charge" is a good way to sum up today's buying experience. As online shopping has expanded to include multi-device mobile purchasing, consumers now have more options and accessibility than ever before. [...]